Not Just Us?

Brynnan_flowerThe entire time my daughter Brynnan and I worked on Gathered Treasures I envisioned it as a resource to connect moms and their preteen or teenage daughters. My daughter had a different idea, and to tell you the truth it hurt my feelings.

“Mom, when we read this book and do the activities together, I don’t want it to be just us.”

My heart sank. She would want to invite her friends to read it with us. While I love her friends and have nothing against them, part of the purpose of this resource is to carve out one-on-one time with my daughter. But with all the grace I could muster I asked her who she wanted to share the book with.

To my surprise she said she would like to read it with her grandma and great-grandma. “I know they live far away, but we could call them and read it over the phone, or we could read and discuss some things when we go there to visit. What do you think?”

I think I love that girl.

Yes, yes, absolutely yes! While many of the devotions were written with younger girls in mind, most of them would be great to start discussions between mothers and daughters of any ages. It is never too late to gather treasures in the hearts of moms and girls.

So who will you share Gathered Treasures with? gathered treasures cover_front only

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