Treasure Hunters Option


One copy of the mother/daughter devotional Gathered Treasures, weekly prayer focus email, activity suggestions, bi-weekly video or audio training, monthly interviews with moms on topics you will face with your daughter, and a special resource section make this our most comprehensive training on preparing your daughter for her future.


The Treasure Hunters option is for moms who want to really dig deep with their girls. In addition to the devotional book the Passengers get, and all the trainings and emails the Shipmates receive, if you choose the Treasure Hunters option you will get access to monthly recorded interviews with real live moms who have struggled with issues you and your daughter will face. You will hear as these precious moms share their stories of heartache and triumph and you will find out how you too can navigate through tough issues and seasons and keep your relationship with your daughter fully intact.

Additionally, you Treasure Hunters will receive access to a special resource area where moms share ideas and resources that have helped them teach and train their daughter. If you have questions about how to talk to your daughter about sex, ask it there. If your teen is struggling with substance abuse, ask your fellow moms how they dealt with that in their own families. If you want books to read with your daughter about divorce or stepfamilies or new siblings coming along, then you will be able to ask in the resource area to see what other moms have used successfully in the past. This resource area is where moms will go to report what is working with their daughters and what they still need prayer support for. No one can pray for your kids like other mommas can!


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