The Beauty of Observation

It starts from the day you meet your daughter for the first time. You have certain moments that are too precious for words. All you can do is observe...

You observe every jerky movement of those little legs and arms as they stretch and then curl up again and then stretch again. You observe potential.



You observe her fearlessly climbing the monkey bars as a little girl. The things you were too afraid to do, she does with no thought whatsoever. You observe bravery.30146479_s


You observe her sitting at the kitchen table tapping her pencil on her paper as she works through a difficult math problem. You observe perseverance.



You observe her comforting a friend. You observe compassion.11190951_s


You observe her performing a puppet show for the family. You observe creativity.7069986_s


You observe her connecting with other girls. You observe friendship.incredigirls


You observe her flopping facedown across her bed and sobbing because of her first broken heart. You observe sorrow.50533103_s


You observe her lifting her hands in worship to the Lord. You observe surrender.6213148_s


Take a moment to observe your daughter. What beautiful things do you observe in her? Share below.


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