Are You Up To The Challenge?

You want to be a great mom. I know you do. We all do.

But life has a habit of getting in the way. Too many ballgames. Too many school events. Too much rushing around has left you feeling disconnected from your daughter.

It seems like just yesterday your girl was in pigtails and tutus and now she is wearing makeup and heels. Time is flying by, and you want desperately to freeze it just for a little while so you can enjoy your preteen or teenage daughter.

You want to teach her all the things you wish you had known at her age.

The great news is that you can! No matter how much you work or how many activities you cram into your day, you can make your time with your girl count. You just need a few cheerleaders.

Sign up for the 4-4-4 Challenge to get your very own set of cheerleaders.

These women will help you carve the time out of your schedule to be the kind of mom your daughter deserves.

The challenge: 4 moms meet once a week for 4 weeks to pray for their daughters. The moms also spend one hour per week one-on-one time with their daughters and text the group when they have completed their one-on-one time for the week. It is that easy.

Here are the steps to join the 4-4-4 Challenge

Step 1

Ask three other moms to join in the challenge with you. If you live in the same town, decide where you can meet together for the one hour each week you pray for each other’s daughters. If you live far away, determine the date and time for a Skype prayer session.

Step 2

Make sure you each have a copy of the mother/daughter devotional called Gathered Treasures. It contains 52 devotions for moms and daughters to read and discuss during your hour together each week. You can order Gathered Treasures HERE. The cost is low enough that you can grab a copy for yourself and for the friends you want in your 4s challenge. If you order before May 8 (Mother’s Day), you get a copy of “39 Out-of-the-Box Mother/Daughter Date Ideas” free.

What a great Mother’s Day present for those moms who would speak life into your girl through encouraging you!

Step 3

Let me know you are joining the challenge. Leave me your name and email so I can send you some encouragement and additional resources to use in your 4-4-4 Challenge.

The 4 Weeks—4 Hours—4 Moms Challenge

Starts May 15 and ends June 12.

Are you up for the challenge?

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