How to Help Your Daughter Become Caramel Filled-Part 1

It was bliss.

The chocolate outer layer yielded to my teeth as I slowly bit into the decadent confection. As I rolled my eyes heavenward and savored the dark treat, I tasted another substance inside. Score! Not only had I chosen a delicious chocolate, but I chose one with caramel filling inside.

Chocolate is one of the best substances in all of creation, but when it is paired with rich, creamy caramel, it is raised to a whole new level of deliciousness. I didn’t think of it then because when I am enjoying chocolate and caramel it is like one of those movies when everything slows down and gets fuzzy and the girl can only see her crush as he walks into the room. I am the same way with chocolate. But once the chocolate haze wore off, I started thinking about how we want our daughters to be like those caramel-filled chocolates.

What characteristics do our girls need to have of a good caramel-filled chocolate?

Tough enough on the outside to keep their shape. You don’t want a chocolate that runs through your fingers when you pick it up. It needs to have a definite shape that doesn’t change with handling. Our daughters need to have a definite shape as well. We don’t want our girls to change who they are depending on who they are hanging around. We want them to have a sense of self that isn’t shifting.

Fluid enough on the inside to be moldable. While we want the outer chocolate to have a shape, the best caramel moves and flows around the container. Our girls need to have a center that is easily molded by her Maker. We want our girls to be responsive to God. If there is sin in her life, I want my daughter to hear God and be wiling to flow in a new direction. If there is someone He wants her to befriend, I pray she would be willing to follow His leading.

So what do we as mammas do to help our daughters develop that moldable inner life? Next week I will share the six most important things we can do to help our daughters develop a center that God can use. Check back next Thursday or subscribe to my blog by entering your information below.

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