Prayers for College Students

I remember my church gathering around us. They were sending us out of our safe little hometown environment.

They were sending us out into a world filled with temptation and persecution and testing.

They were sending us off to college.

And they were sending us off with the greatest weapon they had at their disposal–PRAYER.


Their prayers carried me through that tough first year. When I would get overwhelmed at the workload our teachers assigned, I would remember those sweet people back at my home church praying for me to have time to get all my work done.

When I wanted more than anything to hit the snooze bar and sleep in instead of attending that early class, I would think of their prayers that I would be faithful and diligent.

When I was tempted to go with my roommate to the parties that I knew would get out of hand, I would remember the prayers of the saints back home asking God to give me strength to resist temptation.

When I walked into the cafeteria missing my high school friends, I would think of my prayer warriors back home asking God to give me some sweet, godly friends, and I would bravely sit with a new person.


The college students need your prayers. They need the powerful and effective prayers of righteous people. Join together with us to pray for the new college students this year. Sign up below and once a week you will get an email telling you the prayer topic for the week. Then spend some time that week praying for the college students for that topic. You don’t have to know any college students personally to pray for them. But if you do know some college students, you will for sure want to sign up so you can join with us to pray for them specifically for what they may be facing that week. Here is where you can sign up.

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